MOOCs and Open Education Around the World is a scholarly and promising new book having to do with massive open online courses (MOOCs) and open education resources. Online learning has quickly grown in terms of interactivity and the ability to reach learners all around the world since the emergence of the Internet. The life-changing technological impact of the World Wide Web provides forms of communication and interaction which are essential for blended learning technology. There are few trends in online learning over the past half-century that can match the sudden arrival of massive open online courses. We can no longer cover these MOOCs with one definition because there are many different categories of massively open online courses. Some MOOC classes are based on recorded video discussions plus facilitated interaction or discussion forums. Some MOOCs are an effort to meet decades-long increases in the demand for instruction and distance learning. Massive open online courses are undeniably becoming a meaningful catalyst for innovations in digital education technology. MOOCs and Open Education deals with the potential of technology-enhanced learning to provide access to new opportunities. This 2015 Routledge edited collection describes many crucial developments in massive open online courses (MOOCs). This significant new book also analyzes educational resources and online education topics. The front matter of this book includes Forward #1 by George Siemens which is titled “The Role of MOOCs in the Future of Education”. This book includes Chapter #2 by Karen Head. To learn more see this educational research website.