Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi M. Lee, Thomas C. Reeves, & Thomas H. Reynolds (2015). MOOCs and Open Education Around the World. Routledge.
What in the world is a MOOC? A massive open online course (MOOC) delivers online learning content to anyone who wants to take a course. Most MOOCs are free and do not always lead to accreditation. A number of big-name schools have partnered with companies like Coursera, edX, MITx, Udemy, and Udacity to offer free courses online. MOOCs and Open Education Around the World explains various implementations of social networking, MOOCs, virtual worlds, e-books, collaborative technologies like Ning, adventure learning, Webinars and videoconferencing.
This new MOOCs and Open Education Around the World book describes the current state of distance education in the world today. The edited collection explains MOOCs and other open education trends and topics.
To learn more please see MOOCs and Open Education Books.