MOOCs and Open Education Routledge Chapman & Hall Books (2015) Amazon Routledge Open World
Open Educational Book
MOOCs and Open Education Around the World.
Edited by Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi M. Lee, Thomas C. Reeves, Thomas H. Reynolds.

Learn more about this exciting new book MOOCs and Open Education

MOOCs and Open Education is an engaging and promising edited collection having to do with massively open online courses (MOOCs) and open educational resources (OER). Distance learning technology has swiftly expanded in terms of interactivity and the opportunity to reach people all around the world since the emergence of the Internet. The transformational technological influence of the Internet offers potent types of communication and interaction which are essential for digital learning. There are not many trends in digital educational technology over the past few decades that can match the sudden arrival of these massive open online courses. We can no longer cover these MOOC classes with one definition because there are many different categories of MOOC courses. Some massive open online courses are based on prerecorded video group discussions plus facilitated interaction or discussion forums. Some MOOCs are a supply-side effort to meet global increases in the demand for tutoring and distance learning. These MOOCs are a meaningful change agent influencing online education today. MOOCs and Open Education Around the World examines the potential of e-learning to provide access to new opportunities. This Routledge Chapman & Hall book deals with many significant advances in massive open online courses (MOOCs). This significant new book also investigates open education resources and online education issues. This book includes Forward #1 by George Siemens which is titled “The Role of MOOCs in the Future of Education”. The first part of this book includes Chapter #1. To find out more see this open educational book website.

MOOCs and Open Education Around the World

Online Teaching Jobs

Online Education Programs

Online Course University: This is Open World Books version of the Online Course University promotional information web page.

Online Learning Courses: This is PublicationShare's version of the Online Learning Courses portal site.

Open Educational Resources Video: This is the best reviewed Open Educational Resources Video web page on WorldisOpen.

Open Educational Resources Policy: This is the Open Educational Resources Policy educational web page on TEC-VARIETY.

Educational Communications and Technology: This is the Educational Communications and Technology instructional web page on TECVARIETY.

MOOC Book: This is the MOOC Book web page on TrainingShare's MOOC site.

MOOC Definition: This is the MOOC Definition information web page on Curt Bonk's website.

Open Educational MOOCs: This is the Open Educational MOOCs information web page on Curt Bonk's website.

Educational Technology: This is the Educational Technology information web page on

Massive Open Online Courses MOOCs: This is the Massive Open Online Courses MOOCs video playlist from the MOOCs and Open Education Resources channel on YouTube.

Distance Learning Book

Open Online Courses: This is Open World Books version of the Open Online Courses communications web page.

Online Course: This is PublicationShare's version of the Online Course portal site.

What is a Massive Open Online Course: This is the best reviewed What is a Massive Open Online Course web page on WorldisOpen.

Online Lessons: This is the Online Lessons educational web page on TEC-VARIETY.

Distance Learning Universities: This is the Distance Learning Universities instructional web page on TECVARIETY.

Books about Open Education: This is the Books about Open Education web page on the ResourceShare website.

Free Courses: This is the Free Courses instructional web page on

MOOCs and Open Education around the World Books: This is the MOOCs and Open Education around the World Books video on YouTube.

Distance Educational Journals: This is the Distance Educational Journals video.

Massive Open Online Courses MOOCs: This is the Massive Open Online Courses MOOCs video on Vimeo.

MOOCs and Open Education: This is the MOOCs and Open Education video on Vimeo.

MOOC: This is the MOOC video from the MOOCs and Open Education Around the World YouTube channel.

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